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Southern Africa |

There is a high degree of mobility in Southern Africa, including movements of labor migrants. South Africa is the major destination country in the region.


International Migration in South Africa

South Africa is the main destination country for migrants in Africa. But its rights-based approach to immigration management has increasingly been replaced by a restrictive stance.

Jean Pierre Misago

/ 8 Minuten zu lesen

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Western Africa

Migration is an integral part of societies in Western Africa and their history. Most migrants remain within the region.


International Migration in South Africa

South Africa is the main destination country for migrants in Africa. But its rights-based approach to immigration management has increasingly been replaced by a restrictive stance.


Internal Migration

The legacy of the state-organized racial segregation policy known as Apartheid (1948-1994) still shapes South Africa's society. There are still large socio-economic disparities between the country's…



South Africa has attracted immigrants ever since its colonization by the Netherlands and Britain in the 17th and 18th century. Especially immigrants from the region of Southern Africa are drawn to the…



South Africa, being the economic motor in the region of Southern Africa, attracts numerous labor migrants. For a long time the country's immigration policy was based on racist selection criteria.…