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Citizenship | Poland (2008) |

Poland Background Information Emigration / Immigration Political Development Immigrant Population Integration / Asylum Citizenship Irregular Migration Current Development References


Stefan Alscher

/ 1 Minute zu lesen

The legal basis for citizenship is provided by the Polish Constitution and related supplementary laws.

According to article 34, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of April 2, 1997, Polish citizenship is acquired at birth if at least one of the parents already possesses citizenship (ius sanguinis). Naturalisation is possible after a minimum of five years of legal residency in Poland. Although it is not stipulated in national law, multiple citizenships are tolerated in practice.

Between 2002 and 2005, 7 623 people were naturalised. Some 2 866 people were naturalised in 2005 alone, a considerable increase compared with the previous year (2004: 1 937 naturalisations). This increase can be attributed primarily to the processing of a backlog of applications. Most of the people who were naturalised in the period between 2002 and 2005 came from Ukraine, Belarus, the Russian Federation, Israel, Lithuania and Germany.



  1. See Górny et al. (2003).

  2. See Kępińska (2006).

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