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Module 4: Vote! – Activating Voters: "Get the European people(s) out to vote!" | Europawahl 2024 |

Europawahl 2024 Didaktische Konzeption Modul 1: Du und die EU - EU im Alltag M 01.01 Entscheidungsspiel M 01.02 Die EU in meinem Alltag M 01.03 Animationsfilm zur Plastikmüll-Richtlinie M 01.04 Vom Entwurf zum Gesetz M 01.05 Die EU – ein politisches Ungetüm? Zusatzmaterial: Experteninterview Dr. Freise Info 01.01 Anleitung und Lösung Modul 2: Wissen & Einstellungen zur EU M 02.01 Musterfragebogen M 02.02 Arbeitsblatt "Hypothesen" M 02.03 Auswertungshilfe: Hinweise zur Datenauswertung M 02.04 Arbeitsblatt Datenauswertung Modul 3: Europawahlen: An Europa partizipieren?! M 03.01 Quiz zu den EU-Organen M 03.02 EU-Organe M 03.03 Visualisierungsbeispiele M 03.04 Animationsfilm M 03.05 Kreuzworträtsel Info M 03.05 Lösung des Kreuzworträtsels Modul 4: Vote! - Wählermobilisierung M 04.01 Wahlbeteiligung M 04.02 Wählermobilisierung M 04.03 Aktionsformen M 04.04 Du hast die Wahl! European Election 2019 (English Version) Module 1: You and the EU – EU in everyday life M 01.01 Decision Game M 01.02 The EU in my everyday life M 01.03 Animation Movie about the EU Regulation of Plastic Waste M 01.04 From Draft Directive to Law M 01.05 The EU - A Political Monstrosity behind Closed Doors? Additional Material: Expert’s Interview with PD Dr. Freise Info M 01.01 Decision Game Module 2: Why knowledge about the EU is important M 02.01 Cartoon: "Yummy" M 02.02 All Lies? M 02.03 Results of Brexit Surveys M 02.04 Brexit: Goodbye EU! M 02.05 Model Questionnaire M 02.06 Worksheet "Generating Hypotheses" M 02.07 Worksheet Data Analysis Additional Material: Expert’s Interview with PD Dr. Treib Info M 02.02 Claims in Brexit Campaigns Module 3: Elections to the European Parliament: Participating in Europe?! M 03.01 Quiz about the Organs of the EU M 03.02 EU Organs M 03.03 Examples of Visualisations M 03.04 Animation Movie: Elections to the European Parliament M 03.05 Crossword Puzzle Info M 03.01 Solutions: Quiz Info M 03.05 Solutions: Crossword Puzzle Module 4: Vote! - Activating Voters M 04.01 Turnout M 04.02 M 04.03 Glossary Didactic Methods Gallery Walk Inside-Outside Circle Jigsaw Post it Investigation Think pair share Growing Poster Élections européennes 2019 (Version française) Conception didactique Module 1 : L'UE et toi - l'UE dans le quotidien M 01.01 Jeu de décision : … vrai ou faux ? M 01.02 L’UE dans mon quotidien M 01.03 Film d'animation - la directive européenne sur les déchets plastiques M 01.04 De la proposition à la loi M 01.05 L’UE – un monstre politique derrière des portes fermées? Document bonus - interview d'expert M. Freise Info 01.01 Instructions et solution au M 01.01 Module 2 : Connaissances et opinions sur l'UE M 02.01 Caricature d'introduction M 02.02 Propos de la campagne sur le Brexit M 02.03 Résultats de sondages sur le Brexit M 02.04 Brexit: Goodbye, UE ! M 02.05 Questionnaire M 02.06 Fiche de travail "formuler des hypothèses" M 02.07 Aide à l’analyse de données M 02.08 Fiche de travail - analyse de données Document bonus - interview d'expert M. Treib Info M 02.02 Propos des campagnes sur le Brexit Module 3 : Les élections européennes - participer à l'Europe ?! M 03.01 Quizz sur les institutions européennes M 03.02 Les Institutions de l’UE M 03.03 Visualisation des institutions de l'UE M 03.04 Film d'animation M 03.05 Mots croisés Info M 03.01 Solution au quizz Info M 03.05 Solution aux mots-croisés Module 4 : Vote ! Mobiliser les électeurs M 04.01 Participation électorale M 04.02 Projets de mobilisation des électeurs M 04.03 Formes d'action Méthodes pédagogiques Cercles concentriques Classe en puzzle Penser, comparer, partager Travail avec des post-its Visite au musée Glossaire Liens utiles Les institutions de l'UE Le droit de l'UE Élections européennes 2019 Chiffres & faits À savoir pour les citoyens et citoyennes de l'IUE Transparence & lobbyisme Actualités Jeunesse & jeux Glossar Linksammlung Die EU und ihre Institutionen Gesetzgebungsverfahren und Rechtsakte Europawahl 2019 Zahlen & Fakten Wissenswertes für EU-Bürger/innen Transparenz & Lobbyismus Nachrichten Spielerisch & Jugendgerecht Redaktion

Module 4: Vote! – Activating Voters: "Get the European people(s) out to vote!"

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Learning objectives:

The students …

  • analyse the development of voter turnout of the last Elections to the European Parliament comparing the different member states. Students can name criteria for high and low voter turnout.

  • look into the subject of the European Union: What is of important to them when it comes to the Elections to the European Parliament.

  • develop ideas for possible measures/initiatives.

  • develop appropriate criteria to evaluate their measures and they decide democratically which measures are being taken.

  • plan independently one or more measures to activate voters or to support the interest in and the commitment to Europe respectively.

  • learn how to plan and take a measure together in a team.


Basic idea of the Module: Students work out their own measures for activating voters or for a general interest in or commitment to Europe.

Transition from Interner Link: module 3: Participating in the Elections to the European Parliament is a way to represent their interests in Europe – provided that the EU citizens actually use of their right to vote!

Turnout European Elections 2014 (© Team Research with GrafStat)

What was the voter turnout in the last Elections to the European Parliament? Students analyse the statistics concerning the voter turnout in the European Elections (Interner Link: M 04.01). They rank the voter turnout of their own county in comparison to the pan-European turnout and work out in which member states the voter turnout was rather high or low respectively. Students develop ideas on the reasons (e.g. compulsory voting, disenchantment with politics, little interest in European politics, etc.) for a high or low voter turnout and discuss these in class.

Working Phase

Method: Think pair share (© Team Research with GrafStat)

In a brainstorming, students work on ideas how to pique people’s interest in Europe or the Elections to the European Parliament. During the brainstorming, anything goes. Limits such as costs or implementation difficulties are ignored for the time being, to stimulate creativity and have as many creative ideas as possible. There are different ways to do the brainstorming: One opportunity is to have small groups using posters to do a brainwriting. Another way is the Interner Link: Think-Pair-Share method. Subsequently, the class discusses and sorts the results.

In case the class generates only few ideas or there is little time, the teacher can provide a list (M 04.02) with possible projects and initiatives for activating voters or awaking interest in Europe. One can be part of one of these initiatives which were developed by others or one can take these as a base for developing their own project.

Exemplary initiatives may be:

  • The EU project „Externer Link: This Time I’m Voting!“ (multilingual) wants to create a community of supporters to help encourage a higher voter turnout at the European Elections. How exactly one encourages other people to vote is up to oneself – be it forwarding the call for vote to friends or coming up with an own project. In case one decides to start an own project this can be supported, e.g. by means of this Externer Link: toolkit, with posters and leaflets. Additionally, meetings are organised in different cities allowing for communication and planning of further initiatives, etc.

  • Image or Poster Campaign: Students develop „advertisements“ for participating in the election (cf.Externer Link: images providing reasons for voting)

One also has to decide on how to engage exactly. The following activities are especially suitable for young people:

  • Creating a podcast (digital call for vote)

  • #-Twitter campaign, Twitter wall

  • Creating leaflets

  • Poster campaign

  • Organising and conducting a flash mob/ smart mob

  • Conducting a BarCamp (with Etherpad)

  • Explanatory video about European Elections for voters

  • Further activities (incl. instructions can be found in the participation project “Interner Link: Partizipation 2.0” [german]

It is important to have the students decide together which project or activity they want to do. This is about making a joint democratic decision. The decision process, however, should not be a mere vote. Rather, it should include an analysis of resources (time, talents and abilities, contacts, etc.) to promote critical judgement formation. The students develop criteria which enable a sound decision making. Depending on resources, the class can work on more projects in small groups. (Planning, assignment of responsibility, contact person, formalities, etc. need to be clarified) At the end, the students will have created a common project focusing on relevant European issues – with them being in charge of the joint planning process and conduction. For a final reflection, students can be asked to document their project, allowing the students to reflect on and discuss about what went well and what did not went so well during the project.


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