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References | Sweden |

Sweden Introduction Historical Development Current Trends Immigration Policy Immigration / Circular Migration Integration Policy Citizenship Asylum and Refugees Irregular Migration Future Challenges References


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Here you can find a list of references for the Country Profile "Sweden" by Bernd Parusel.

Andersson, Ruben/Weinar, Agnieszka (2014), Integration Policies – Sweden Country Report, INTERACT RR 2014/14, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole.

Benito, Miguel (2007), 'Sweden', in Triandafyllidou, Anna/ Gropas, Rudy (eds.), European Immigration – A Sourcebook, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 335-346.

Bernitz, Hedvig (2012), EUDO Citizenship Observatory, Country Report Sweden, San Domenico di Fiesole: European University Institute.

Bevelander, Pieter/Emilsson, Henrik/ Magnusson, Karin/ Osanami Törngren, Sayaka (2014), Världens öppnaste land – arbetskraftsinvandring efter reformen 2008, Stockholm: Fores.

Boverket (2015), Nyanländas boendesituation– delrapport, Rapport: 2015:10, Karlskrona.

Çelikaksoy, Aycan/Wadensjö, Eskil (2015), Unaccompanied Minors and Separated Refugee Children in Sweden: An Outlook on Demography, Education and Employment, IZA Discussion Paper No. 8963, Bonn: Institute for the Study of Labor.

Cvetkovic, Anita (2009), The Integration of Immigrants in Northern Sweden: A Case Study of the Municipality of Strömsund, International Migration, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 101-131.

Dahlström, Carl (2006), The Rhetoric and Practice of Institutional Reform – Modern Immigrant Policy in Sweden, Paper prepared for the biannual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Chicago, 29 March to 2 April 2006.

European Commission/European Migration Network (2015), EMN Annual Report on Immigration and Asylum 2014, Brussels.

European Commission/European Migration Network (2014), A Descriptive Analysis of the Impacts of the Stockholm Programme 2010-2013, Brussels.

Eurostat (2015), The number of asylum applicants in the EU jumped to more than 625 000 in 2014, Newsrelease 53/2015, Brussels.

Geddes, Andrew (2003), The Politics of Migration and Integration in Europe, Los Angeles/London/New Delhi/Singapore: SAGE Publications.

Government Offices of Sweden (2014), Migration Policy. Fact Sheet, Ju 14.04e, August, Stockholm. Externer Link: (accessed: 8-24-2015).

Hammar, Tomas (2003), 'Einwanderung in einem skandinavischen Wohlfahrtsstaat – die schwedische Erfahrung', in Thränhardt, Dietrich/Hunger, Uwe (eds.), Migration im Spannungsfeld von Globalisierung und Nationalstaat, Leviathan special issue 22/2003, pp. 227-252.

Harrison, Dick (2015), Historielöshet bakom rädsla för invandring, Svenska Dagbladet, 9-11-2015.

Kjeldstadli, Knut (2011), 'Northern Europe: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland', in Bade, Klaus J./ Emmer, Pieter C./Lucassen, Leo/Oltmer, Jochen (eds.), Encyclopedia of Migration in Europe from the 17th Century to the Present, Cambridge i.a.: Cambridge University Press, pp. 5-12.

Landsorganisationen i Sverige – LO (2013), Fusk och utnyttjande – om avregleringen av arbetskraftsinvandringen, Stockholm.

Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm (2014), Utsatta EU-medborgare i Sverige – Lägesrapport ur ett människohandelsperspektiv, Rapport 2001:01, Stockholm.

Migrationsverket (2009a), Kort om migration 2008, Norrköping: Migrationsverket.

Migrationsverket (2011), Practical Responses to Irregular Migration into Sweden, A study produced by the European Migration Network (EMN), s.l.

OECD (2011), Recruiting Immigrant Workers – SWEDEN 2011, OECD Publishing.

Parusel, Bernd (2014), "Spurwechsel" in Schweden: auf dem Weg zu einem flexiblen Migrationsrecht, Terra Cognita, No. 25, pp. 88-91.

Parusel, Bernd (2015a), 'Lessons from Sweden', in Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.), A Fair Deal on Talent – Fostering Just Migration Governance, Gütersloh, pp. 145-152.

Parusel, Bernd (2015b), Solidarity and fairness in the Common European Asylum System – failure or progress?, Migration letters, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 124-136.

Parusel, Bernd (2015c), Unbegleitete Minderjährige auf der Flucht, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 25/2015, pp. 31-38. Statens Offentliga Utredningar – SOU (2011a), Cirkulär migration och utveckling – förslag och framåtblick. Slutbetänkande av Kommittén för cirkulär migration och utveckling, SOU 2011:28, Stockholm.

Statens Offentliga Utredningar – SOU (2011b), Vård efter behov och på lika villkor – en mänsklig rättighet, SOU 2011:48, Stockholm.

Statistiska Centralbyrån (2013), Integration – en beskrivning av läget i Sverige, Integration: Report 6, Örebro.

Statistiska Centralbyrån (2014), Statistisk årsbok för Sverige 2014, Stockholm.

Swedish Migration Agency (2015a), EMN Policy Report 2014 – Sweden, Norrköping.

Swedish Migration Agency (2015b), Månadsrapport December 2014, s.l.

Swedish Migration Agency (2015c), Admitting Third-Country Nationals for Business Purposes: Sweden, Report from EMN Sweden 2014:4, Norrköping.

Swedish Migration Board (2012), Immigration of International Students to Sweden, Report from EMN Sweden 2012:1, Norrköping.

Swedish Migration Board (2013), Attracting Highly Qualified and Qualified Third-Country Nationals to Sweden, Report from EMN Sweden 2013:1, Norrköping.

Swedish Migration Board (2014), Migrant Access to Social Security: Policies and Practice in Sweden, Report from EMN Sweden 2013:4, Norrköping.

Universitetskanslersämbetet (2014), Universitet och högskolor, Årsrapport 2014, Rapport 2014:7, Stockholm.

Internet Sources

Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket)
Externer Link:

Statistics Sweden (Statistiska Centralbyrån)
Externer Link:


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