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VII. Revolts of the youth: Challenges and perspectives | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

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VII. Revolts of the youth: Challenges and perspectives

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The young generation has suffered long-term consequences from the economic crisis. Uncertain job prospects are accompanied by growing social inequality between the generations. Both in the face of the crisis in Europe and during the upheavals in the Arab world, youth has proved its potential for mobilisation. Crucial questions in this context are: What mobilisation potential is harboured in the young people’s revolt for long-term political engagement and for the drive for societal change? How can this potential be transformed into active democratic participation and made utilisable? How must citizenship education react to these developments and what does this mean for transnationally oriented citizenship education?

Inputs by

Interner Link: Ramón Espinar, Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain)
Interner Link: Ahmed Naguib, The Egyptian Foundation for Finance and Development (Egypt)

Introduction & Moderation:
Rana Gaber, Egyptian Youth Federation (Egypt)

Interner Link: Lucrecia Rubio Grundell, Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain)
