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Workshop 3: Conflicting identities? The role of identities in conflicts and in citizenship education | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

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Workshop 3: Conflicting identities? The role of identities in conflicts and in citizenship education

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These days we assume that “identities” are not firmly established constructs, but we consider the constitution of identity as a process with which continuous change may be associated. This process does not rule out parallel and, in some cases, partially contradictory affiliations. Nevertheless, identities can play a catalytic role in different conflicts. Social conflicts as well as violent clashes are not conceivable without opposing identies. Conflicts can play out within a society or in the international context. In this workshop we are going to discuss how citizenship education needs to be designed in divided societies. How can citizenship education generally deal with the adversarial potential of different identities in order to prevent conflict? Not least, we also want to take a critical look at the role of citizenship educators and their own identity.

Interner Link: Lynn Davies, University of Birmingham (Great Britain)
Interner Link: Ulrike Niens, Queen's University Belfast (United Kingdom)

Moderation: Ondrej Matejka, The Institute for the study of Totalitarian Regimes/ Civic Education Center (Czech Republic)
