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"European Fair Skills" | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

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"European Fair Skills" Exchanging good practice in strengthening community-embedded prevention of group-focused enmity, hate crime and violent right-wing extremism

Harald Weilnböck

/ 1 Minute zu lesen

The EFS project aims at transferring good-practice approaches in prevention of right-wing extremism, hate crime and group-focused enmity to the respective national contexts. This project develops and applies a quality assurance tool for first-line deradicalisation and disengagement work, builds local support networks for prevention work by conducting stakeholder roundtables education national contexts, builds local hubs for youth-cultural disengagement and prevention work in the Czech Republic, Hungary and the Slovak Republic etc.

During CI’s involvement with the European Commission’s Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN), it has become apparent that prevention work has been particularly underdeveloped in Central and Eastern Europe – a region where discriminatory attitudes, right-wing extremist groups and even violent attacks against minorities have taken hold.

Together with the NGOs Kontiki Szakképző (Hungary), Eruditio Publica (Czech Republic) and CENAA (Slovak Republic) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), CI runs the two-year project European Fair Skills in 2015 and 2016. The broader context is the work of the RAN working group on Exit and Derad Interventions and the RAN’s efforts to cooperate with (inter-) national actors in the field.

Therefore, the following measures shall be implemented in each country:

  • "Fair Skills" trainings for local facilitators to conduct on-site youth cultural and citizenship education trainings with adolescents, strengthens human-rights attitudes among young people who then become peer role models

  • "LocalDerad" further training for social workers, educators etc. regarding effective prevention work

  • Roundtables: regional support network for prevention with local stakeholders

Moreover, the FES will introduce further training on successful exit approaches for members of right-wing scenes, which have been developed in a Xenos project (in coop with the Interior Ministry).


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