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Western Asia |

Throughout its history, Western Asia has experienced extensive migration. The region is an important destination for labor migrants, but also includes some of the world's main refugee hosting countries.


Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian diaspora groups in Türkiye

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has displaced thousands to Türkiye. New diaspora groups are working with the long-established Crimean Tatar diaspora to attract attention to the situation in Ukraine.

Milana Nikolko

/ 12 Minuten zu lesen

Syrians in Turkey

Turkey hosts more than three million Syrian refugees. For a long time, the official political discourse was rather welcoming. However, this has changed in recent years.

Ayhan Kaya

/ 8 Minuten zu lesen

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East Asia

Many countries in Eastern Asia have restrictive immigration policies. The proportion of foreign nationals in their populations is small.


Migration from Russia to Georgia and Armenia

Since the start of Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens have emigrated, many of them to Georgia and Armenia. Who are these ‘new’ migrants?


Football Migration from Africa

Many male and female African footballers strive for a career in leagues on other continents. How has African football migration developed over time? Where do players move? Which risks do they face?



Switzerland has long failed to recognize the fact that it is a country of immigration. Most immigrants come from the neighboring countries of Italy and Germany.


Western Europe

Western Europe is an important destination for international migrants. With Germany, the region contains one of the countries with the highest number of international migrants in the world.


Migration: eine bleibende Herausforderung

Die nach langem Ringen erreichte Einigung auf eine Reform des europäischen Asylsystems hat die Debatten um die Migration nicht verdrängt – auch nicht aus den Kommentarspalten der europäischen Presse.