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Claudia Lenz |

Claudia Lenz

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Claudia Lenz ist zurzeit Forschungsleiterin am European Wergeland Centre for Education on Human Intercultural Understanding, Human Rights and Democratic Citizenship und Associate Professor an der Norwegian University for Science and Technology. Zu ihren Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte zählen: Geschichtsbewusstsein, Erinnerungskulturen und Geschichtspolitik im Bezug auf den Zweiten Weltkrieg und den Holocaust, Geschichtsdidaktik, interkulturelles Lernen. Sie publizierte u. a. "Teaching Historical Memories in an Intercultural Perspective. Concepts and Methods. Experiences and Results from the TeacMem Project" (2013).

Claudia Lenz current positions are: Head of Reserach & Development at the European Wergeland Centre; Associate Professor at the Norwegian University for technology and Science (NTNU). Fields of research and publication: Historical Consciousness, Memory Cultures and Memory Politics with regard to World War II. and the Holocaust, qualitative research methods as methodological resources in educational processes. Her recent publications are among others: "Teaching Historical Memories in an Intercultural Perspective. Concepts and Methods. Experiences and Results from the TeacMem Project." (2013)
