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Feminist African Ethics for sustainable AI |

Feminist African Ethics for sustainable AI Digitalization: Feminist & Decolonial

Date of the event Dienstag, 04 Juni 2024
Time of the event 06:00 pm – 08:00 pm
Place of the event online
Download link: Download event

About the event

In her presentation, Modestha Mensah will explore the connection between African feminist ethics and the concept of Sustainable AI. There is no doubt about the crucial role that artificial intelligence (AI) plays in the digital transformation that pervades our world.

Both big and small tech companies are optimistic about AI's potential for positive change, especially when green and renewable energy is tapped into. In spite of this positive attitude to AI technology, there are attending costs that cannot be jettisoned, some of which have received attention in AI ethics discourse.

Unfortunately, the discourse on AI ethics has so far been steeped in Western experiences and value systems to the neglect of those of marginalised groups, in this case African people in general, and African women in particular.

However, as AI is a planetary endeavour, various parts of the world are involved, admittedly, at varying levels, in its development, deployment, use and disposal. Therefore, this talk 1) highlights the ways that Africa is intimately involved in the material development, deployment, use and disposal of the technology, 2) emphasises the region and its people's, especially African women's high vulnerability to environmental and social impacts of AI technology, and 3) contributes feminist African ethical pathways, grounded in values of care, responsibility and communality, to the discourse.

This lecture is part of the series "Digitalization: Feminist & Decolonial."
The series "Digitalization: Feminist & Decolonial" opens critical perspectives on digital transformation processes, questioning, among other things, their effects on marginalized communities. Events from 2023 can be viewed here: Externer Link:

Modestha Mensah is an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Classics and Philosophy, University of Cape Coast. She studied for her Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy and English (Honours) at University of Cape Coast and earned her P.Phil. degree in Philosophy at the same institution.
Ms. Mensah teaches courses, researches and supervises students' projects in the discipline of Philosophy.
She is currently pursuing her Ph. D in Philosophy at University of Ghana, and is proud to be associated with the Institute for Science and Ethics, University of Bonn, Germany, where she is engaged in collaborative research with a team of ethicists, under the supervision of the institute's director, the Alexander von Humboldt Professor, Aimee van Wynsberghe.

Francesca Schmidt (BpB, Department of Political Education and Plural Democracy)

Information about the event

Event address:

Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb (The Federal Agency for Civic Education)

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