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USA: Structural transformation and its consequences |

USA: Structural transformation and its consequences

von: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb

Since the middle of the 19th century, the United States are experiencing a structural change. The number of jobs in the agricultural and industrial sector is decreasing, while the service sector is becoming a driver for employment. This video explains how different regions in the US are affected by these changes.


Nationwide, four out of five workers are now employed in the service sector. While the "Rust Belt", the former center of the heavy and automotive industry, is hit particularly hard, the so called "Sun Belt" in the south of the US is booming. The video gives a brief overview how the structual transformation has affected the US since the 19th century.

For the German version of this video, click here: Externer Link: USA: Welche Folgen hat die Deindustrialisierung?

Mehr Informationen

  • Herausgeber: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb, Bonn / Verantwortlich gemäß §§ 18 MSTV: Thorsten Schilling / Redaktion: Marion Bacher, Jan-Philipp Kohlmann / Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit: Dr. Markus B. Siewert / Produktion: DERGESTALT ( / Regie, Skript: Fabian Lang / Illustration & Animation: Ulrich Frey / Animation: Valentina Morianz / Recherche: Gerald Gartner / Musik & Sound: Bernd Ammann / Sprache: Johanna Sophia Baader / Quellen: "Growth and Structual Transformation" - Herrendorf et al. / Our World in Data

  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Manhattan Institute, Rice University, U.S. Census Bureau / Archivmaterial: The New York Times (1909)

  • Produktion: 01.11.2021

  • Spieldauer: 3 Min.

  • hrsg. von: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb


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