M 02.03 Results of Brexit Surveys
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Voters in total: 46.500.01; Voter turnout: 72,2%; Rejected Voices: 25.359; Source: The Electoral Commission (UK)
Diagramm B: Brexit Referndum Results according to Age in %
Survey sample size: 5455 Uk adults; field research: 23 - 24 June, 2016
Diagramm C: Brexit Referendum Results according to Educational Achievement
Survey sample size: 5455 Uk adults; field research: 23 - 24 June, 2016
Diagram D: Brexit Referendum Results according to Political Party Preference
Explanation: Interviewees were grouped according to their political attitude based on their 2015 party preference, that is according to the party they voted for in 2015.
Analyse the diagrams A-D: What is their subject? In how far do they differ?
Which overall statements emerge from the diagrams? Note down one main statement for each diagram.
Discuss the results in class.