In the expert’s interview, Professor Treib explains the role of citizens‘ knowledge and information through politics and media prior to political decisions by means of the Brexit referendum.
Additional Material: Expert’s Interview with PD Dr. Oliver Treib (Münster University)
/ 1 Minute zu lesen
Zusatzmaterial: Experteninterview mit Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib
Prof. Oliver Treib is a political scientist, Chair of Comparative Policy Research and Methods of Empirical Social Research at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster.
The duration of the video is 11.18 minutes.
In class, the video can be shown as a whole or in thematical sequences.
Sequences according to content:
Content [Time]
Referendums (specific features, example Switzerland) [0:00 – 1:49]
Brexit Referendum (difficulties) [1:50]
Campaigns during Brexit [2:49]
impact, consequences [4:50]Assessment concerning withdrawal of EU [6:34]
new referendum [7:40]Knowledge about the EU and its impact on election decision [8:49]
Complexity of the EU and its decision making process [10:40]
A transkript of the interview in English translation is availabel as Interner Link: PDF.