1918-1938-2018: Beginnt ein autoritäres Jahrhundert? Conference Report Keynotes Panels Panel 1: Rise and Fall of Young Democracies Panel 2: The Rule of Law and the Power of History Panel 3: Macroeconomics and Democracy Panel 4: Minority Rights 1938 Panel 5: Flight and Migration Panel 6: Diaspora Panel 7: Continuous Transformations? Panel 8: Post-Communist Democracies Panel 9: Transformation after 1989 Panel 10: Migration, Education and Democracy Panel 11: Agents of Change Panel 12: Media, Populism, Democracy Bildergalerien Keynotes
29 Min. Video Dauer 29 Min. Political Culture in Europe 1918 to 1939 Oliver Schmitt (University of Vienna) - The Balkan States and the Impact of Regional Political Cultures since 1918
34 Min. Video Dauer 34 Min. The Escalating Persecution of Jews and Aggressive National Socialist Expansion Policies 1938 Léontine Meijer-van Mensch (Jewish Museum Berlin) - 1938 Point of No Return
24 Min. Video Dauer 24 Min. The Escalating Persecution of Jews and Aggressive National Socialist Expansion Policies 1938 Sybille Steinbacher (Goethe University, and Fritz Bauer Institute, Frankfurt/Main) - 1938 and the Impact on German/Austrian Antisemitism and Preparation for the All-Out War
44 Min. Video Dauer 44 Min. Democracy and Authoritarianism 1918 to 2018. A »Longue Durée« perspective W. Lance Bennett (University of Washington, Seattle) - Who are the People? Communication, Power, and the Rise of Anti-Democratic Politics
33 Min. Video Dauer 33 Min. Democracy and Authoritarianism 1918 to 2018. A »Longue Durée« perspective Wolfgang Merkel (WZB and Humboldt-University, Berlin) - Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century
26 Min. Video Dauer 26 Min. Democracy and Authoritarianism 1918 to 2018. A »Longue Durée« perspective Katharine Sarikakis (University of Vienna) - Media as the Fourth Estate? Between Agora and Tyranny in the Authoritarian Century