Teilnehmerzahl: |
Mind. 100 bis max. 600 |
Zielgruppe: |
Sekundarstufe II |
Zeitbedarf: |
mehrtägig - BERMUN takes place in November (Wednesday to Saturday), BERMUN2 in February/March (Thursday-Saturday) |
Preis Materialien od. Lizenz: |
Participation fees vary depending on the conference. See https://www.bermun.de/directors#fees for more information. |
Benötigte Ausstattung: |
Country placards, a United Nations Charter, plenty of paper for notes, amendments and resolutions |
BERMUN ist eine Simulation mit dem Ziel, die Arbeit der Vereinten Nationen, von NGOs und Themen wie Globalisierung und internationale Diplomatie verständlich zu machen. Durch die Übernahme von Rollen lernen die Teilnehmenden fremde Standpunkte verstehen und zu vertreten. Konferenzsprache ist Englisch.
Zielsetzung:The aim of the Model United Nations program is to equip students with rhetorical and communicative skills, as well as foster political understanding on a wide range of topics. Delegates will have an opportunity to learn research skills, creativity in drafting ideas for resolutions, social abilities in compromising ideas and rhetorical prowess in defending your view-point. Through the role-play delegates learn to understand different points of view.
Spielablauf:Below are the elements and procedures of the BERMUN conference in Berlin:
At the formal opening of the GA, Opening Speeches will be delivered.
Delegates in the various committees will begin the lobbying and resolution writing process which will provide the basis for debate. Delegates will apply the expertise gained from their committee research to writing this resolution.
In addition to General Assembly (GA) committees, BERMUN also hosts special committees and organs such as the Security Council, Historical Security Council, and ECOSOC.
BERMUN Youth Assembly: We encourage students with an interest in the working of local, national, and world politics to inquire into the theme in their local area and to think about possible approaches to the issues.
BERMUN also offers court simulations, e.g. the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Materialien oder Planspielordner:Information and guidelines concerning delegate preparation and/or the rules of debate can be obtained by visiting the BERMUN website:
Externer Link: www.bermun.de/delegates
Delegates should be well-informed on all topics and prepare resolutions for all issues. Students are encouraged to exchange ideas, lobby and post their draft resolutions via the online BERMUN platform before the conference.
John F. Kennedy School
Teltower Damm 87-93
14167 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (0)30 - 90299-5170
Externer Link: bermun@gmail.com
Externer Link: http://www.bermun.de