Seeking Refuge (OmeU)
"Seeking Refuge" is a series of animated documentaries exploring the experiences of five young refugees living in the UK. We hear from ten year old Ali from Afghanistan, who fled the country with his grandmother yet leaving behind his parents. Ten year old Hamid from Eritrea had to flee his country and describes the struggles of coming to terms with his father’s death, as well as settling into a new country. 12 year old Juliane who spent years in a Zimbabwean orphanage before being reunited with her mother continues to suffer from the effects of being separated from her at a young age, but is supported by her school who are helping her deal with her experiences. Rachel, 17, describes the suffering she underwent in her home country, her experiences in a detention centre and what she hopes to achieve as a result of her experiences. Finally Navid, 16, who at five years old fled his home in Iran. He describes why he had to leave, his long journey over here, and how he has adjusted to life in Europe.