Report on Best practices in initiative budgeting in Russia development in the Russian Federation regions and municipalities. This publication is a review of national experience and best practices in the development of initiative budgeting in Russia of the year 2018. It analyzes various practices to involve citizens in budgeting through their participation in proposing and selecting the initiatives to be financed from the budgetary funds, and the subsequent monitoring of the project implementation. The data was collected from an official survey conducted by the Russian Ministry of Finance. The original report was prepared in Russian and published on the official site of the Ministry. This is the second annual publication of the report. This publication may be of interest to a wide range of readers, academic researchers, government officials, specialists in IB development and other practices of citizen participation, civic activists, and all those who are interested in democratic processes taking place in local communities in Russia. You can find the report Interner Link: here!
Report on Best practices in initiative budgeting in Russia 2018
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Report on Best practices in initiative budgeting in Russia development in the Russian Federation regions and municipalities. This publication is a review of national experience and best practices in the development of initiative budgeting in Russia in 2018.
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