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DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: A LIFE ON OUR PLANET English from 9th grade, age 14

Ronald Ehlert-Klein

/ 3 Minuten zu lesen

DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: A LIFE ON OUR PLANET Netflix, GB 2020, 83 Min., R: Jonathan Hughes, Keith Scholey, Alastair Fothergill.

Borneo. A palm oil plantation borders intact tropical rainforest. (© Netflix)

  1. Discuss with a partner what you know about the possible causes and repercussions of climate change. Discuss what humankind can do stop climate change. Record your notes as bullet points on a digital pinboard (e.g. Externer Link:

  2. Together as a full group, collect English terminology about climate change and note words on a digital pinboard. Note also the German equivalents.

  3. Watch the Externer Link: opening sequence of the Externer Link: documentary film DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: A LIFE ON OUR PLANET (0:00:00-0:13:20). Summarise in English what the film is about. You may use a dictionary as an aid.

  4. Then fill in the blanks in the following text to show what you learned about David Attenbrough.

    David Attenborough is a _______ broadcaster and _______ historian who started making _____________ in the 19__s. He was __ years old when DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: A LIFE ON OUR PLANET was produced. He has travelled all ________________. He underlines the importance of ___________.

  5. Documentary films can be narrated using different cinematic means. Form small groups and discuss the aesthetic devices used by the directors Alastair Fothergill, Jonathan Hughes and Keith Scholey. If necessary, watch the opening sequence again.

    Note: Some technical expressions are explained here...

  6. Watch the following sequence (0:13:20-0:25:25) and check whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones. David Attenborough says: ...

    • In 1960 no one could imagine that mankind would have the power to threaten the existence of the wilderness.

    • Mankind has never been living sustainably.

    • All the animals were easy to find.

    • We witness a new form of extinction.

    • No one knows who was responsible for this development.

  7. Discuss the significance of the quote below. Include what you learned from the film and the numbers in the Externer Link: captions.


You and I belong to the most widespread and dominant species of animal on earth.

David Attenborough A Life on Our Planet (0:28:28)
  1. Consider together what way human beings can be made aware of species extinction and biodiversity. Compare your suggestions with David Attenborough‘s approach of makings films to warn of looming dangers.

  2. Watch the following sequence (0:25:25-0:30:08) and write down in English what you found especially moving or surprising. Make notes of the information obtain from the captions and voice-overs about the development of the animal population, how much of the earth’s nature has been left untouched and the size of the human population.

  3. Compare your results and discuss what repercussions human influence has on the earth’s ecological balance. Form pairs to come up with ideas.

  4. Compare your results with the Externer Link: articles on the website of the WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature). Make notes, look up the meanings of words you don’t know and make a list new vocabulary on a pinboard. Then demonstrate your results in a brief, structured presentation in English.

  5. Watch the film to the end and write down what options Attenborough shows to stop species extinction and climate change. Compare your results in class.

  6. Write down what you could do personally to stop climate change. Check your energy use, your consumer behaviour in general and how much meat you eat.

  7. Make a list of jargon from the field of sustainability on a digital pinboard.

  8. Calculate your own carbon footprint (e. g. Externer Link:

  9. Write a film review in English of DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: A LIFE ON OUR PLANET, in which you analyse the subject matter of the film, the cinematic devices used, the responsibility of humankind for species extinction and possible way to stop this development.

  10. Present your reviews in class and give each other criteria-based feedback.

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Ronald Ehlert-Klein ist Film- und Theaterwissenschaftler, Redakteur des Filmbildungsportals und Pädagoge.