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IV. Radicalism in politics and society: Reasons and prevention strategies | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

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IV. Radicalism in politics and society: Reasons and prevention strategies

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In many places, fear of changes, along with a massive loss of faith in the political system and the political elites, have led to a revival of nationalist and populist movements in Europe. In Egypt and Tunisia, populism and radicalism often appear in the guise of religion. Crucial questions in this context are: What are the risks generated by political currents of this kind? To what extent are these movements gathering strength in the face of the interactions between the events in Europe and in North Africa? What citizenship education strategies and models can have a preventive effect – especially among young people?

Inputs by

Interner Link: Erica Meijers, Bureau de Helling (the Netherlands)
Habiba Mohsen, Arab Forum for Alternatives (Egypt)

Introduction & Moderation:
Reem Abu Zaid, The Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute (Egypt)

Interner Link: Omar Zaki, The Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute (Egypt)
