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V. Politics and religion: Re-defining the relationship in diverse societies? | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

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V. Politics and religion: Re-defining the relationship in diverse societies?

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More than anything else, the events of 2011 in the Arab world have refocused the world's attention onto the relationship between religion and politics. The challenges posed by Islamists in the transformation countries of the Middle East have renewed fears and anxieties vis à vis the political influence of religious forces – inside and outside these societies. Citizenship educators have to ask themselves how they should assess and discuss the new revival of religion and religiosity – even in secularised societies like Europe. Crucial questions in this context are: How can religious and secular citizens live with and respect each other in a democratic society? How far do historico-cultural differences between Europe and North Africa exert influence over the role of religion in societal and national life? How can citizenship education deal constructively with issues of faith?

Inputs by

Interner Link: Boudris Belaid, Centre de la Formation des Inspecteurs de l’Education nationale (Morocco)
Sara Silvestri, City University London (UK)

Introduction & Moderation:

Andreas Jacobs, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. (Germany)


Interner Link: Kacper Nowacki, Center for Citizenship Education (Poland)
