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Workshop 6-8: Topics and scenarios of citizenship education for the future of the EU | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

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Workshop 6-8: Topics and scenarios of citizenship education for the future of the EU

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The contents of the workshops No 6 to 8 were developed during the World Café debates and defined by the participants on site.

WS 6: Bringing Politics into Citizenship Education

Introduction and Moderation: Renate Kenter, de Ruijter Strategy (the Netherlands)
Rapporteur: Interner Link: Christiana Maria Mauro (Hungary)

WS 7: Funding outside the EU

Introduction and Moderation: Paul de Ruijter, de Ruijter Strategy (the Netherlands)
Rapporteur: Interner Link: Leticia Diez Sanchez, FutureLab Europe (Spain)

WS 8: Lifelong Learning

Introduction and Moderation: Mona Qaiser, Dialogue at School (Germany)
Rapporteur: Interner Link: Thamar Zijstra, European Alternatives (the Netherlands)
