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Workshop 7: From national narratives to shared memories: Is a Pan-European memory possible? | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

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Workshop 7: From national narratives to shared memories: Is a Pan-European memory possible?

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Memories and the political discourse on history and the past are a dangerous game and can disrupt not only the fabric of societies but also spark international conflicts. The war in former Yugoslavia as well as the Ukraine conflict are clear results of conflicting or competing national memories. They also demonstrate the relevance of the so-called 'mental maps' that often unconsciously control political and collective behaviour. How can these mental maps, often based on trauma from the past, be laid open and made re-negotiable? How can the perspectives of ‘Others’ be incorporated into a country’s own national history? Is there a European standard for dealing with ‘history’? Where does action still need to be taken? The workshop is going to develop basic hypotheses in response to these questions and make recommendations for further citizenship education projects.


Interner Link: Andrea Mork, European House of History (Belgium)
Interner Link: Benedikt Widmaier, Haus am Maiberg -
 Akademie für politische und soziale Bildung (Germany)

Moderation: Tomaz Pusnik, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
