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Call for projects & papers | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education About NECE NECE Conference 2020 Newsletter Archive Country Profiles: Citizenship Education Around the World Russian Country profiles Editorial Europe (NECE) Austria Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Germany Netherlands Poland Slovenia Spain United Kingdom Eastern Partnership and Russia (EENCE) Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Georgia Moldova Russia Ukraine Arab Region (NACE) Algeria Egypt Lebanon Eastern and Southern Africa (CENESA) Malawi Uganda Citizenship Education in Kenya Other Regions Ecuador Country Profiles in Arabic (العربية) Editorial (افتتاحية) Algeria Austria Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Germany Lebanon Netherlands Poland Slovenia Spain United Kingdom Country Profiles in Russian (русский) От редакции Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Ecuador Georgia Moldova Russia Ukraine Выходные данные

Call for projects & papers

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How can empowerment of educationally disadvantaged target groups be achieved through citizenship education? This central question will run like a leitmotif through this year´s NECE conference.

How can empowerment of educationally disadvantaged target groups be achieved through citizenship education? This central question will run like a leitmotif through this year´s NECE conference.

The conference starts with a debate on theoretical and practical aspects of the conference´s topic. The subsequent parallel workshop session focuses on educational work in practice in different learning environments. Brief expert presentations and/or presentation of good practice projects from Europe will be the starting point for the debate. The following questions will be relevant:

  • What scientifically didactic and/or practice-based approaches from different countries have proved to be successful?

  • What influence do different learning environments have on promoting active societal and political participation?

  • What milieu-specific education strategies and social environments should be taken into consideration during the development of educational offerings?

At the request of participants at previous NECE conferences the parallel workshop session will be repeated after the break, so that there is the opportunity to attend two different workshops. Therefore all contributions have to be held two times.

More information concerning the Call for Projects & Papers, application form, selection criteria, submission deadline etc. you may find here:
