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Migration, Islam, and The West | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

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Migration, Islam, and The West

Soukaina Aouaki

/ 1 Minute zu lesen

The aim of this paper is to deal with three major controversial concepts: Migration, Islam, and The West. In fact, European countries since years ago have witnessed waves of migration coming from different parts of the world especially immigrants from the Arab countries. The latter have brought with them a different culture and therefore a different religion, Islam. Indeed, there have been many questions raised as to what extent these migrants have succeeded in integrating themselves in their host countries and whether their actual presence may change the European lifestyle.

This paper, therefore, attempts to shed light on the growth of Muslim communities in the West and how they deal with islamophobia especially after September 11. To do this, the presentation traces the source and types of migration and whether there are any policies towards helping in the assimilation and integration of these immigrants. Moreover, it aims at analyzing the situation of migrants to see if they constitute richness and a cultural diversity or engender a clash of civilizations that threatens the European essence. Besides, this work seeks some potential suggestions in order to reach a model of society that tries to achieve a cosmopolitan way of life that can go beyond culture clash.

Indeed, the methodological framework followed in this paper includes a theoretical background about this issue. Additionally, in order to have a clear idea about the topic, a survey will be conducted relying on questionnaires and focusing on natives and Moroccan immigrants’ conception of Islam and The west in Spain, Italy, and France.


Dhar El Mehraz, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco E-Mail: E-Mail Link: