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How to Engage with Ethnic Minorities and Hard to Reach Groups. Guidelines for Practitioners | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

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How to Engage with Ethnic Minorities and Hard to Reach Groups. Guidelines for Practitioners

BEMIS Scotland

/ 1 Minute zu lesen

The issue of cultural awareness adds to the complexity of the issue. It is important to acknowledge that what is considered appropriate behaviour in one culture it may not be appropriate in another. It is important to be aware of other peoples’ cultures and values, beliefs and perception. How do we see diversity and why do we react in a particular way towards different migrant groups? Misinterpretation occurs when we lack awareness and knowledge of other people’s cultures, diversity and behaviours, so it is important to engage with diverse communities to learn from each other and see things from other perspectives in order to develop culturally sensitive services across the board.

The guidelines presented here have been designed to facilitate the challenging process of reaching ethnic communities and migrants and building capacity in order to support inclusion and integration of the group members, stakeholders and networks. They consist of a range of creative, ready-made activities that, taken together, offer a toolkit for tackling exclusion of diverse ethnic and migrant groups. The guidelines consist of 6 modules:

  1. Engaging diverse groups (outreach workshop)

  2. Equality and barriers to involvement (workshop for stakeholders)

  3. Identiyfing community champions

  4. Training community champions (training session)

  5. Involving parents through parent councils (equality workshop for parent councils)

  6. Understanding barriers to involvement (workshop for parent councils)




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