The local municipalities in Germany, especially the large cities, have played a pioneering role in the development of indicators and monitoring systems for integration.
Overview of the development of integration monitoring
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For example, Wiesbaden, the state capital of Hesse, initiated an indicator-supported reporting system as early as 2003 that has been updated annually ever since. The Wiesbaden monitoring is part of the local integration concept adopted in 2004 and has served as a model for many other cities, such as Wuppertal
The Federal Government and the federal states only seized upon the subject of integration monitoring later on, although there were already approaches made towards social reporting on migrants in Germany in the 1980s
In addition to the state authorities already mentioned, foundations and private research institutes have also been active in the field of integration monitoring for some time. The Bertelsmann Foundation has already been referred to with its "basic data set" on integration as a recommended means of measuring integration in the communities. It also operates an Internet portal that provides selected integration-related data on communities with 5,000 inhabitants or more
Finally, reference should be made to two studies carried out by research institutes in 2009 that can likewise lay claim to being a form of "integration monitoring" (in the sense that it has been announced that they are to be repeated). The study "Unutilised potentials. On the situation of integration in Germany" conducted by the Berlin Institute for Population and Development
Thus, integration monitoring in Germany is at a particularly interesting stage at the time of publication of this policy brief. A large number of partly similar, partly competitive approaches aim to measure the success of integration to date. The next section examines in more detail the similarities and differences found in selected forms of monitoring.
Susanne Worbs ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin beim Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF).
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